Modrá škola na Kysuciach

Pavol Pavlus Projekty

Názov Projektu: Modrá škola na Kysuciach

Číslo Projektu: ACC03055
Názov programovej oblasti: Prispôsobenie sa zmene klímy – prevencia pred povodňami a suchom
Cieľ (ciele) projektu: Zvýšenie povedomia a vzdelania v oblasti prispôsobenia sa zmene klímy
Plánovaný termín ukončenia Projektu: 30.9.2015
Celkové oprávnené výdavky Projektu: 39 384 €.
Projektový grant aj každá jeho časť je tvorená z príspevku príslušného finančného mechanizmu a príspevku štátneho rozpočtu SR v pomere 85% / 15%.

Projekt „Modrá škola na Kysuciach „v rámci zvýšenia povedomia a vzdelania v oblasti prispôsobenia sa zmene klímy vypracuje osnovy zamerané na manažment dažďovej vody a jej prepojenie na zmenu klímy. Témy ako: Voda, Vodné rastliny, Vodné živočíchy, Kolobeh vody v prírode, Voda ako súčasť prírodného prostredia, Voda a klimatická zmena a Vodný ekosystém budú zahrnuté v edukačnom procese pre všetky ročníky a každú triedu. Teda 22 tried, po 3 vyučovacie hodiny. Spolu 66 vyučovacích hodín za školský rok. V rámci zvýšenia povedomia a vzdelania v oblasti prispôsobenia sa zmene klímy sa uskutočnia v priestoroch školy prednášky pre študentov i zamestnancov školy zamerané na dažďovú vodu, ktoré pripraví a prednesie odborník, ktorý má skúsenosti v oblasti vsakovania, využívania dažďovej vody a v zavádzaní bioretenčných systémov na Slovensku.

Projekt má vypracované i adaptačné opatrenia, zvýšenie podielu zelene a to: revitalizácia existujúcich stromov, drevín a trávnatej plochy v areály školy. Výsadbu nových stromov v počte 30 ks, kríkov 34 ks, zatrávnenie o celkovej výmere 984 m2. Ďalším adaptačným opatrením je realizovanie vodopriepustnosti povrchu v školskom areály a to: osadenie vegetačných tvárnic o celkovej ploche 306 ma zhotovenie chodníkov z Eko dlažby na ploche 190 m2. Záchyt vody, ako ďalšie adaptačné opatrenie bude realizovaný z rozostavanej budovy v areály školy / kuchyňa a odborné učebne /. Zachytená voda bude využívaná na zavlažovanie školského areálu.

Nakoľko náš školský areál má rozlohu približne 2 ha bez zastavaných plôch je možné ho premeniť na krásny zelený park. Do realizácie projektu budú zapojení všetci študenti, nie len vo vzdelávacom procese, ale i pri prácach na úprave terénu, výsadbe stromov a drevín, výseve trávy, úpravy okolia i pri zavádzaní technológie na záchyt vody pod dozorom odborných pedagogických a nepedagogických zamestancov a členov dobrovoľných organizácií podieľajúcich sa na projekte. Výsadba stromov bude za pomoci rodičov. Tým sa celý projekt dostane do povedomia študentov i verejnosti.

Zastavané plochy v školskom areály nemajú dažďovú vodu zvedenú do kanalizácie, ktorá ústi do ČOV, ale táto voda je odvádzaná do väčšieho prírodného rigolu, oddiaľ do menšieko potoka, ktorý sa vlieva do rieky Kysuca. Záchytom vody a vybudovaním jazierka chceme dosiahnuť, aby sa čo najmenšie množstvo dažďovej vody dostalo do potoka.

Publicita projektu bude zabezpečená na miestnej i regionálnej úrovni a to: publicita projektu v regionálnych týždenníkoch My kysucké noviny a Kysuce, v miestom mesačníku Zvesti. Projekt a jeho realizácia budú zverejňované na web stránke školy i mesta. Miesto realizácie projektu bude označené informačnou tabuľou / banerom /. Pre publicitu projektu budú oslovené i organizácie, ktoré sú zahrnuté v projekte. Spoluprácu v publicite i v realizácii adaptačných opatrení nám prisľúbili: Združenie rodičov a priateľov školy, Občianske združenie – Naša škola Kysuca, Mestský úrad v Kysuckom Novom Meste, Žilinský samosprávny kraj – odbor školstva, Miestna organizácia Slovenského rybárskeho zväzu i blízka Základná škola.

Informačná brožura


Blue School in Kysuce

Project title: Blue School in Kysuce

Project ID: ACC03055

The name of Programme area: Adapting to Climate Change – Flood and Drought Prevention

The objection(s) of the Project: Raising public awareness of climate change adaptation

Planned Project termination deadlines as: 30.9.2015

Total eligible costs of the Project: 39 384 EUR

Project grant and each its part is financed by the relevant Financial Mechanism (85%) and the State Budget (15%).

Project Description:

The project „Blue School in Kysuce“ within raising public awareness of climate change adaptation will create a new syllabus focused on the rainwater management and its connection with climate change. Topics as: Water, Water Plants, Water Animals, The Hydrological Cycle, Water as a Part of the Natural Environment, Water and Climate Change and The Water Ecosystem will be included in the educational process for all grades and each class (22 classes for three lessons). In total 66 lessons per school year. Within raising public awareness of climate change adaptation, there will be organized lectures for students and school staff members at the school premises focused on rainwater. The lectures will be prepared and presented by a professional experienced in the field of infiltration, rainwater using and the implementation of bio-retention systems in Slovakia.

The project has also developed adaptation measures, the share of green vegetation increasing as: revitalization of existing trees, woody plants and grassy areas in the school campus. Planting of 30 new trees, 34 shrubs, the total grassing area of 984 m2. Additional adaptation measure includes the implementation of the water permeable surfaces in the school premises, namely: placing of vegetative blocks with a total area of 306 m2 and an eco-pavement construction with a total area of 190 m2. Rainwater harvesting as well as the additional adaptation measures will be obtained from the unfinished building in the school campus / technical classrooms and the kitchen /. It will be used for the campus irrigation.

Since our campus covers an area of about 2 hectares without built up areas, it can be turned into a beautiful green park. There will be all students involved in the project, not only in the educational process but also at landscape works, trees and shrubs planting, lawns seeding, cleaning of surrounded areas, and when introducing new technologies on water collection under the supervision of the vocational education and non-education staff and members of voluntary organizations involved in the blue school programme. Parents of the students will also be helping to take care of trees in the park around the school campus. Thereby, the whole project will help to raise the students´ and the public awareness about environmental issues.

Built-up areas in the campus do not have rainwater drained into the sewer system, which empties into the WWTP (waste water treatment plants), but this water is discharged into a larger natural ditch, thence into a smaller stream that flows into the river Kysuca. By water harvesting techniques and building the small stream, we want to achieve the least amount of rainwater flowing into the river.

Publicity of the project will be provided at the local and regional levels, namely: project publicity in regional weekly newspapers „My kysucké noviny“ and „Kysuce“, in the local monthly „Zvesti“. The project and its implementation will be published in the school and town websites. The place of the project implementation will be displayed on the information board / banner /. Some organizations are addressed to be involved in the project. Association of Parents and Friends of the School, Civic Association – Our school Kysuca, Municipal Office in Kysucké Nové Mesto, Žilina Region – Department of Education, Local Organizations of the Slovak fishing association and the near Elementary School promised to help us in further publicity cooperation and in the implementation of adaptation measures.


Thanks to the project the Secondary Technical School of Engineering in Kysucké Nové Mesto under its headmaster Ondrej Holienčík could give some lectures on climate changes, rainwater harvesting and its subsequent use where students and school staff were engaged in the changes of the school premises and two students together with their teacher could take part in Norway.

The Blue school project is a part of the programme „Adapting to Climate Change – Flood and Drought Prevention“ financed by the European Economic Area Financial Mechanism and by the State Budget of the Slovak Republic. The programme manager is the Government Office of the Slovak Republic.

„The main objective of the programme and the project itself is to raise the public awareness and education about climate change issues. Within the project there were realized adaptationmeasures focused on increasing the share of vegetation, rainwater harvesting and the water permeable surfaces on the school premises“, said the headmaster Ondrej Holienčík.

Knowledge applied to practice

Thus, students could learn something about global warming, the water cycle in nature, rainwater using, how plants help maintain the rain cycle. They were also working on the school premises where they planted new broadleaved trees, conifers and shrubs. In June and July, car parking spaces, green roofs, and a rainwater reservoir were built on the school premises. In September, adaptation measures have been finished by making a small lake and eco-paving.

Not only students and teachers of our school were engaged in this project but also some local citizens´ associations and organizations, such as the Slovak Fisheries´ Union – the local organization Kysucké Nové Mesto, the Civic Association – Our school, the Žilina Self-Governing Region as the education provider and the town Kysucké Nové Mesto. Total eligible project costs – 39 384 €.


They got experiences from Norway

The part of the programme was the educational stay in Norway. The teacher Karol Kubica and two students, Soňa Horečná and Matúš Čierňava, spent in the north of Europe several days.  „It is a nice country, similar to Slovakia, but people there protect it more. Scientists, professionals, politicians but also businessmen can set up that, for example, they will work for 100 years to change grey places into blue-green ones. They also prepared how should the city look like to avoid  floods. Politicians agreed with it and this decision will never change even there will be another goverment. While building new blocks of flats, businessmen build a park, lakes, rainning gardens first,“ says Karol Kubica according to his experiences from Norway.

What can we do? 

Changing of the climate is the whole world´s problem, but each of us can do something. Join  and recycle the rubbish, save electric energy and drinking water. Buy goods with the environmental sign. Travel by the local transport. Plant a tree at school or in your garden or in the place you live. Five trees can absorb around one tone CO during the life.


The school surrounding treatment  – our students and school staff


The professional lecture – Rainnig systems